How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel
To access advanced analytical functions in Excel, you need a free Microsoft add-in called the Analysis ToolPak, which may or may not be already installed on your copy of Excel.
To determine whether you have the Analysis ToolPak, click the Data tab in the main Excel menu. If you see Data Analysis in the Analysis section, you're good. You have the ToolPak.

If you don't have the ToolPak, here's how to get it:
- Click the File tab in the main menu.
- In the list of menu items under the File tab, click the Options item to display the Excel Options dialog box.
- On the Excel Options dialog box, click the Add-Ins menu item to manage Microsoft add-ins.
- From the Manage dropdown list, select Excel Add-ins and click Go to display the Add-Ins dialog box. (If you have Excel for Mac, go to Tools > Excel Add-Ins in the File menu.)
- In the Add-Ins box, select Analysis ToolPak; and click OK.
With that, the Data Analysis item will appear in the Analyze section of the main menu Data tab, signifying that the ToolPak was installed.