Matrix Algebra Tutorial
This tutorial is a brief, easy-to-understand introduction to matrix algebra, emphasizing matrix methods that are widely used in statistics and mathematics. > Begin lesson 1
About the Tutorial
After completing this tutorial, you will be familiar with the nomenclature and notation used by matrix algebra. And you will be able to:
- Perform common matrix operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.).
- Determine matrix rank (i.e., distinguish singular from non-singular matrices).
- Find the determinant and inverse for any square matrix.
- Use matrix algebra to solve simultaneous linear equations.
- Express computations and sets of equations compactly in matrix format.
- And more ...
Topics are introduced in short, easy-to-understand modules. Each lesson covers a single topic, and most lessons include one or more review questions to reinforce learning.
This tutorial is designed for students and researchers who have some familiarity with introductory statistics (e.g., a high school statistics course or Advanced Placement Statistics).
How to Use This Tutorial
Individual lessons are accessible through the table of contents, which can be found in the vertical column on the left side of the page. If you are already familiar with matrix algebra, you can choose any lesson at random and work effectively.
Individual lessons are accessible through the table of contents, which can be accessed by tapping the "Matrix Algebra: Table of Contents" button at the top of the page. If you are already familiar with matrix algebra, you can choose any lesson at random and work effectively.
However, if you are new to the topic, you should work through lessons in the order in which they appear; because each lesson builds on previous lessons.
Additional Helpful Resources
As you progress through this matrix algebra tutorial, take advantage of the following helpful resources.
- Sample problems. Most of the lessons include sample problems. The sample problems reinforce key concepts and help you test your knowledge.
- Online help. The Stat Trek Statistics Dictionary takes the mystery out of technical jargon. If any term or concept is unclear, visit the dictionary for additional explanation.
Note: The dictionary can be accessed by clicking the Help tab in the main menu (located at the top of this web page).