AP Statistics: Video Lessons
Elsewhere on this site, Stat Trek offers a free, easy-to-understand AP Statistics tutorial. Consisting of 69 written lessons, that tutorial is designed to help students prepare for and pass the AP Statistics exam.
This course is a video companion to the written tutorial, designed for students who are more comfortable with video than with text. So far, we've produced 57 video lessons, one video lesson for each of the first 57 written lessons from the original AP Statistics tutorial. We're adding videos little by little. Eventually, we intend to have a video for each of the 69 written lessons from the tutorial.
What You'll Learn
This tutorial provides accurate and complete coverage of the AP Statistics curriculum. Specifically, the AP Statistics curriculum and this tutorial cover the following topics:
- Exploring data. Using graphical and numerical techniques to study patterns of data. Emphasizes interpreting graphical information and descriptive statistics.
- Sampling and experimentation. How to plan and conduct a study. Focuses on clarifying research questions and specifying methods to collect and analyze data.
- Anticipating patterns. Using probability and simulation to understand random events. Focuses on using probabilistic models to understand real-world events.
- Statistical inference. How to estimate population attributes, based on sample data. How to test statistical hypotheses.
How to Use This Video Tutorial
This tutorial is built for self-study. Even if you have no prior experience with statistics, you can work through the tutorial at your own pace and teach yourself statistics!
If you are taking an AP Statistics course in school, use this tutorial as a study aid. Before each class, review the relevant lesson from the tutorial. This will have two good effects.
- Because you have been exposed to the material, you will find it easier to understand your instructor's lecture, and you will retain the information more effectively.
- And, if anything in the tutorial is unclear, you will be alerted to a potential area of confusion. You can get clarification from your instructor when he/she covers the material.
Individual video lessons are accessible through the table of contents, which can be found in the vertical column on the left side of the page. You should work through lessons in the order in which they appear; because each lesson builds on previous lessons.
Individual video lessons are accessible through the table of contents, which can be accessed by tapping the "Table of Contents" button at the top of the page. You should work through lessons in the order in which they appear; because each lesson builds on previous lessons.
Note: For each video lesson, there is a written lesson covering the same content. You can find a link to the written lesson under each video. If anything in a video is unclear, read the written lesson.